Discharge to Maintenance Program

Our Program

At Global Allied Health Services, we understand that the road to recovery doesn’t end when a patient leaves our facility. That’s why we offer a Discharge to Maintenance program to help patients maintain the gains they’ve made during their rehabilitation journey and continue to progress towards their goals. Our Discharge to Maintenance program is designed to provide ongoing support and guidance to patients after they leave our care. We work with each patient to develop a customized plan that includes exercises, activities, and lifestyle modifications to help them maintain their gains and prevent relapse

Key Benefits

One of the key benefits of our Discharge to Maintenance program is that it provides patients with continuity of care. Our team of healthcare professionals works closely with each patient to monitor their progress and make adjustments to their plan as needed. We also provide ongoing support and encouragement to help patients stay on track and motivated. Our Discharge to Maintenance program is available to patients who have completed their rehabilitation program and are looking to maintain their gains and continue to progress towards their goals. 

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Harry James

Continue to Progress towards Your Goals

At Global Allied Health Services, we believe that recovery is a journey, not a destination. Our Discharge to Maintenance program is just one way that we are committed to supporting our patients every step of the way. If you are looking for ongoing support and guidance after completing your rehabilitation program, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you maintain your gains and continue to progress towards your goals.

Not Sure What You Need?

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.